Imaginethere is a possibility, yourself or your customers read as if from a book - without you knowing anything about them - other than your name, date and place of birth - and if you have these Even change information with frequencies and vibrations could!
And just imagine, How much good you with this information you yourself and do for your customers could! is a Biorhythm analysis systemwhich combines the teachings of chronobiology, numerology, bioresonance and radionics.
Through reproducible results, it also fulfills scientific requirements.
The combination of Frequency, music and color therapy as well as radionics offers effective support for body, mind and soul.
It can direct and also subtle treatments are created. searches for the Causes at different levels and thus offers valuable help in the Recognizing and resolving the causes.
Various Algorithms enable a precise analysis and thus a Effective therapy. is a holistic system, which is characterized by a Systematic approach preserves the quality of energy and information medicine.
By taking a holistic view, diseases and problems can be Dissolved faster become. improves the Sustainability and Scalability for long-term support and the best service for your customers.
Analyze yourself and your family with simple and effective templates for all areas of life for health, happiness and well-being.
Study for free on our learning platform the exciting knowledge about the Energy and information medicine. Become a holistic professional.
Made with ♥ in Austria. works on the Desktop, Tablet and even on the Cell phone. It is online-based and therefore available anywhere via the Internet. All you need is an internet connection. It works without the hassle of additional hardware.
An AI (artificial intelligence) algorithm uses the name, date and place of birth to determine the "individual biorhythm" and compares it with the values from a database
A very comprehensive database enables Therapy, coaching and counseling in many areas of life. An ideal enrichment for all advisory service professions that want to improve their expertise and your offer want to improve.
One High effectiveness - also requires a High analysis accuracy finds the problem and the causes. Thanks to reproducible results, the analyses and treatments are always in the same high quality
You can already finished concepts or create your own combinations and databases. This means that every user can also realize your own projects.
We accompany all our customers from the very beginning to the optimal Use in practice. Regular meetings and a glarge network of therapists, coaches and counselors also support each other.
Based on the biorhythmic calculation, the client must not necessarily be presentbut can be analyzed and accompanied over any distance - and this in the always consistent quality.
Our products are designed for Experts and for Beginner ideally suited.
Each product already contains a variety of prefabricated and tested work conceptswhich can be developed step by step with the customer.
Health, Personality, Business or also Life energy and Spirituality are just a few of the topics that can be supported and processed with the program.
Our products are tailored to the respective Industries perfectly coordinated and offer with the variety of analyzes the best results for yourself and your customers.
Effectively analyze and support holistic health.
For Therapists, doctors and all healthcare professionals.
10 steps for clear and effective coaching.
For Business and life coaches for personal development.
Recognizing systemic relationships with full automatic positioning. Also works in individual coaching without deputy. Ideal for innovative constellators for energetic blockage clearing.
For the analysis and treatment of Properties, apartments, buildings and land. For the energetic correction of radiation, electrosmog, water veins, geological interference zones as well as foreign energies, occupations, mental and metaphysical stress.
Recognize and eliminate systemic Malfunctions, Entanglements, old Vows, destructive Belief and behavior patterns, family secrets or even heavy Blows of fate.
Get the 7 days demo version or arrange a demonstration appointment with us ([email protected])
With, not everyone has to be an expert - makes you one. supports you in every difficult situation. Life situation with the suitable and customized modules. is the perfect companion for you and your family when you precise Root cause analysis want to operate
reset4me is the energetic Medicine chest for you and your family when it comes to treating problems and symptoms quickly and easily.
The reset4me for dogs was developed at the request of satisfied reset4me users endeveloped to utilize the wonderful power of frequencies not only for people, but also for their four-legged friends to be able to.
We can answer your concerns and requests quickly via our ticket system.
Here you will find our online manual, recordings and practical tips and instructions.
Our learning platform offers free basic knowledge and expertise on a wide range of energy-related topics.
On our YouTube channel you will find all the videos about They also include physical and psychological interpretations of symptoms.
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The technology behind can be explained by the fact that we use the "raw data" of the test person (name, date and place of birth) and calculate a vibration from this (letters and numbers can be converted into a vibration).
From this, the "individual" biorhythm is calculated and compared with the oscillation of a problem or symptom.
As soon as the subject's vibration pattern overlaps with the pattern of the problem, a match is found and shows this on the screen.
Biological rhythms are important for all living organisms, which have a better chance of survival by adapting to changing environmental conditions over time.
It is therefore not surprising that rhythmic processes have been found in all living organisms studied to date. Some examples are cell division, heartbeat, breathing, sleep, hibernation or even the rut (comparable to the menstrual cycle in humans).
The term "resonance" comes from the Latin (resonare) and means "to echo".
A resonance in relation to a person means a reaction to an utterance, an action or even encouragement or agreement, for example:
Reproducible means that if several tests are carried out in succession, the same values should always be obtained.
However, it also means that if you enter a person on different computers, the same values/results should also come out on all devices.
The first name and surname are converted into a vibration by our algorithm.
One basis for calculating the vibrations comes from numerology.
Here it is assumed that each letter can be assigned to a specific number/vibration/frequency. We also use this assignment to determine your personal vibration/rhythm.
The place of birth is used to calculate the individual biorhythm more precisely.
In order to calculate your individual rhythm as accurately as possible, we use your name, date and place of birth. All of this data is calculated into a vibration by our algorithm - and this results in your personal biorhythm.
We need your date of birth to calculate your individual biorhythm.
As soon as a human being is weaned from the umbilical cord of the mother, our vegetative nervous system starts its own rhythm. This rhythm is known as the "biorhythm".
However, so that we can analyze and calculate even more precisely, we also need the first name, surname and place of birth.
The sum of these values then results in your rhythm/vibration.
Your data is stored in an ISO 127001 certified German private data center.
All connections are encrypted with SSL and are also transmitted in encrypted form. Of course, we comply with all data protection standards and are constantly improving them.
Color therapy refers to forms of treatment in which the effect of colors on the human psyche and thus the human organism play a role.
As is known from physics, colors consist of light particles that oscillate at different frequencies.
At we use the vibrations / frequency of the colors calculated by our algorithm.
It is very difficult to say how quickly a treatment will work.
It definitely varies from person to person. And of course it also depends on how severe the problem is and how long the problem has existed.
It is very difficult to say how often and for how long treatment should be given, as every person and every problem reacts differently.
Normally the first changes are noticeable within the first few days (1-3 days).
Overall, however, it is always individual how quickly and how strongly someone reacts.
Since is an Internet application, you need a good, stable Internet connection.
We recommend at least 10Mbit, preferably 20Mbit or more. is optimized for many screen resolutions. The best experience is with a 24 inch (approx. 61 centimeters for desktop) or 15.6 inch (approx. 40 centimeters for notebook) monitor with a resolution of 1920×1080 pixels.
Over 24 inches, fonts may occasionally be smaller; to counteract this, we ask you to set up an enlargement through the operating system.
If this is not possible, the browser magnification (magnifying glass) can be used.
Background: In order to optimize loading times, the image elements have been reduced to a certain size and quality.
To get the most out of the treatment, we recommend using commercially available loudspeakers; if necessary, the loudspeakers integrated in the screen will also work, although the quality is not so clear.
Optionally, our bifilar flat coil can also be connected instead of a loudspeaker. works on almost all modern and up-to-date operating systems and browsers.
We test our software on Linux (Ubuntu, Debian), Apple (OSX, iPad OS, iOS), Windows 10.
As this is an online application, a free browser such as Chrome or Firefox is required. This has the great advantage that you can access from almost anywhere in the world with an internet-enabled device without having to install any software.
At least 4 GB of RAM is recommended for a smooth display of the treatment.
In general, also works on tablets and smartphones.
Due to the limited screen size and also the limited browser compatibility, there may be restrictions in individual functions.
e.g. audio playback of the treatment on Apple mobile devices - the music button must be pressed again.
The Digital Constellation module can in principle be used on tablets, but the resolution is not ideal and the system board can be distorted.
We do not recommend Digital Constellation for mobile devices.